When you get a people-first-culture right, everything else falls into place.
Recent research and findings from HR Leaders around the world, show us that in VUCA (Volatile – Uncertain – Complex – Ambiguous) times, as Covid-19 has shown us, there is a need to focus on human capital. Different studies support our believe in a people-first-culture, where Empathy, Empowerment and Resilience will be core skills to create future proof organizations.
Empathy may be the most crucial indicator for whether an organization thrives or fails (after a pandemic).
Health and well-being should be a priority.
Remote employees need to feel their contributions are appreciated.
Give trust and be trustful.
In times of rapid change, decisions need to be made quickly, agility being key. All employees should think, believe and work towards the same, unique mission.
Without clear goal (mission/vision) nobody knows where to go to.
Having people doing what they are good at, motivates.
Bouncing back from problems to bouncing forward towards possibilities.
Expect the unexpected and react adequately. Provide employees with varied, adaptive and flexible roles so they acquire cross-functional knowledge and training.
With our Humanizing Leadership Program we prepare organizations, teams and leaders as well as employees for the future.
We let organizations flourish by building a culture of trust, collaboration, reskilling and well-being.
Motivate and inspire teams & leaders to have a creative and constructive impact on the organization.
Main goal:
Way of working:
Main goal:
Way of working:
We deliver separate workshops, keynotes, seminars, webinars, (team)coachings on all topics related to our HUMANIZING LEADERSHIP PROGRAM. Our programs are tailor made and available in Dutch, French and English.
Within our Humanizing Leadership program, we value a holistic approach and we truly believe we have a role to play in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDG’s). We all have a societal responsibility and we are convinced we can contribute to achieve different SDG’s as defined by the United nations in 2015 and to be realized by 2030.
These SDG’s are an urgent call for action by all UN-countries in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand in hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests. The goals we naturally feel organizations can contribute to, each on their own pace and way are: